
The GPMap package comes with a suite of objects to simulate genotype-phenotype maps following models in the literature. They are found in the gpmap.simulate module.

All Simulation objects inherit the GenotypePhenotypeMap object as their base class. Thus, anything you can do with a GenotypePhenotypeMap, you can do with the simulation objects.

NK model

Construct a genotype-phenotype map using Kauffman’s NK Model. [1] The NK fitness landscape is created using a table with binary, length-K, sub-sequences mapped to random values. All genotypes are binary with length N. The fitness of a genotype is constructed by summing the values of all sub-sequences that make up the genotype using a sliding window across the full genotypes.

For example, imagine an NK simulation with \(N=5\) and \(K=2\). To construct the fitness for the 01011 genotype, select the following sub-sequences from an NK table: “01”, “10”, “01”, “11”, “10”. Sum their values together.

# import the NKSimulation class
from gpmap.simulate import NKSimulation

# Create an instance of the model. Using `from_length` makes this easy.
gpm = NKSimulation.from_length(6, K=3)

House of Cards model

Construct a ‘House of Cards’ fitness landscape. This is a limit of the NK model where \(K=N\). It represents a fitness landscape with maximum roughness.

# import the HouseOfCardsSimulation class
from gpmap.simulate import HouseOfCardsSimulation

# Create an instance of the model. Using `from_length` makes this easy.
gpm = HouseOfCardsSimulation.from_length(6)

Mount Fuji model

Construct a genotype-phenotype map from a Mount Fuji model. [2]

A Mount Fuji sets a “global” fitness peak (max) on a single genotype in the space. The fitness goes down as a function of hamming distance away from this genotype, called a “fitness field”. The strength (or scale) of this field is linear and depends on the parameters field_strength.

Roughness can be added to the Mount Fuji model using a random roughness parameter. This assigns a random roughness value to each genotype.

\[f(g) = \nu (g) - c \cdot d(g_0, g)\]

where \(\nu\) is the roughness parameter, \(c\) is the field strength, and \(d\) is the hamming distance between genotype \(g\) and the reference genotype.

# import the HouseOfCardsSimulation class
from gpmap.simulate import MountFujiSimulation

# Create an instance of the model. Using `from_length` makes this easy.
gpm = MountFujiSimulation.from_length(6)

# add roughness, sampling from a range of values.


[1]Kauffman, Stuart A., and Edward D. Weinberger. “The NK model of rugged fitness landscapes and its application to maturation of the immune response.” Journal of theoretical biology 141.2 (1989): 211-245.
[2]Szendro, Ivan G., et al. “Quantitative analyses of empirical fitness landscapes.” Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2013.01 (2013): P01005.